5 Steps to Ensure Positive Marketing Brand Value
/in Analytics, B2B, B2C, Branding, Digital Strategy, Global Marketing, Market Expansion, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Startups/by Illumulus5 Steps to Ensure Positive Marketing Brand Value

Your brand determines the value and visibility for your product/organization and let’s everyone know what you stand for. Your branding represents who you are, what you do, how you do it and most importantly, why others want to use your product or service. Branding is not just your logo but the efforts behind the logo, including messaging, online efforts, your product(s) and customer service.
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Quick Look at Key Global Market Challenges
/in B2B, B2C, Digital Strategy, Global Marketing, Market Expansion, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Startups/by IllumulusQuick Look at Key Global Market Challenges
In Emerging and Developed Markets

Marketing Approach for Startups
/in Analytics, B2B, B2C, Branding, Digital Strategy, Global Marketing, Market Expansion, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, News, Non-Profit, Personal, Startups/by Illumulus Startup Marketing Strategy
Marketing Strategy Approach for Startups
Marketing Strategy Overview for Startups
Getting Started
Creating the marketing foundation for your startup company is crucial for success. Before jumping into marketing, you must evaluate the following:
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Fashion within a B2C Digital Strategy
/in B2C, Digital Strategy, Fashion Industry, Global Marketing, Market Expansion, Marketing, Marketing Strategy/by IllumulusFashion
within a B2C Digital Strategy

Some still believe fashion is only an in-store purchase model with limited use of social media but the new digital landscape has changed completely about how and where we buy our latest fashion. We as consumers are no longer chained to our local retail outlet to search for the latest fashions. The digital age allows us the search the globe in search of fashion to fit any lifestyle or budget. But this wasn’t always true in the fashion industry with technology. The challenge, fashion and fit. Could we hold true what we are buying online and find the convenience to return it with no hassles? As well as experience the fit itself without trying it on for the right size. Our customer centric market now makes it easier to return and exchange conveniently and quickly to enjoy our purchase instantaneously.
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Going Global Guide. Are you Ready for Market Expansion?
/in Analytics, B2B, B2C, Branding, Digital Strategy, Global Marketing, Market Expansion, Marketing, Marketing Strategy/by IllumulusGoing Global.
Are you ready for Market Expansion?

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Why Global Marketing is Essential?
/in Digital Strategy, Global Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, News/by IllumulusGlobal Marketing In today’s environment, markets have no boundaries. We are not set by the limits of distance anymore but only by our own capabilities within our products or services we offer. While language and culture are challenging, information and technology make it possible to leverage global opportunities. Global marketing is key.
We launched our new iLLUMULUS website!
/in Analytics, B2B, B2C, Branding, Digital Strategy, Fashion Industry, Global Marketing, Market Expansion, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, News, Non-Profit, Personal, Startups/by IllumulusWe Launched our New iLLUMULUS website

As a marketing strategy & customer engagement company, we strive to deliver our proven marketing results to multiple startups, SMB and Enterprise organizations.
Creating value….
Why You Need Marketing?
/in Analytics, B2B, B2C, Branding, Digital Strategy, Global Marketing, Market Expansion, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Startups/by IllumulusWhy Do You Need Marketing?

Many people believe marketing should be the last component of the business plan. Build the product and then create demand for it. With competition and multiple communication channels, gone are the “build it and they will come”, days. Today it is all about using marketing growth strategy and tactics to create value.
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Welcome to iLLUMULUS. Global Marketing & Customer Strategy
/in Analytics, B2B, B2C, Branding, Digital Strategy, Fashion Industry, Global Marketing, Market Expansion, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, News, Non-Profit, Personal, Startups/by IllumulusiLLUMULUS

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Empowering organizations to harness the power of data, Illumulus offers digital transformation and sustainability strategies, innovative implementation platforms, and AI/ML solutions—turning data into digital assets.
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