How Often Do You Create Content? Developing a Content Strategy.
/in Content Creation, Digital Strategy, Global Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Strategy/by IllumulusHow Often Do You Create Content?
Developing a Content Strategy

How often do you create content? Developing a Content Strategy.
This is the biggest question and challenge most organizations face today. Research continues to show 60% do not have enough time devoted to content creation as the main factor to marketing success. But we know content is important. Research by Hubspot points that 1-2 blogs a month generate 70% more leads than a company who does not do content marketing at all.
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This is the biggest question and challenge most organizations face today. Research continues to show 60% do not have enough time devoted to content creation as the main factor to marketing success. But we know content is important. Research by Hubspot points that 1-2 blogs a month generate 70% more leads than a company who does not do content marketing at all.
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What I Learned from Video Content Creation as an effective Marketing Tool
/in B2B, B2C, Digital Strategy, Global Marketing, Marketing, Startups, Storytelling, Video Content/by IllumulusWhat I Learned from Video Content Creation as an effective Marketing Tool

What I learned from the video content creation process to develop effective video marketing tools.
Are you using video in your marketing efforts? Well if you aren’t using video yet, you should be considering it. We live in a visual world and now with video streaming such as Facebook Live and Instagram, video has become the mainstream medium of choice to attract and engage audiences.
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Are you using video in your marketing efforts? Well if you aren’t using video yet, you should be considering it. We live in a visual world and now with video streaming such as Facebook Live and Instagram, video has become the mainstream medium of choice to attract and engage audiences.
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Successful Branding in a Digital World
/in Analytics, Branding, Digital Strategy, Global Marketing, Marketing, Storytelling/by IllumulusSuccessful Branding in a Digital World

Successful Branding in a Digital World
After a recent visit with a client, we had a long discussion on successful branding in a digital world. As we began the conversation, items such as the logo, tagline, company name and website quickly filled my ears from my client. I let him finish then I took a moment to explain to him, these are items used to help communicate and clarify your brand but they do not define your brand. Branding is strategic while marketing is tactical.
Your brand is “who you are” and “what people say”, when you are not around. It is your reputation. A great way to think of it is by saying, “ I am a great marketer”, and this of course is marketing. It is when your customer comes up to you and says, “I hear you are a great marketer, well this is your brand. Another way to think of it, marketing is the push and branding is the pull.
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After a recent visit with a client, we had a long discussion on successful branding in a digital world. As we began the conversation, items such as the logo, tagline, company name and website quickly filled my ears from my client. I let him finish then I took a moment to explain to him, these are items used to help communicate and clarify your brand but they do not define your brand. Branding is strategic while marketing is tactical.
Your brand is “who you are” and “what people say”, when you are not around. It is your reputation. A great way to think of it is by saying, “ I am a great marketer”, and this of course is marketing. It is when your customer comes up to you and says, “I hear you are a great marketer, well this is your brand. Another way to think of it, marketing is the push and branding is the pull.
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Why Telecoms must Reinvent Themselves
/in Analytics, B2B, B2C, Digital Strategy, Global Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Startups, Storytelling, Telecommunications, Telecoms/by IllumulusWhy Telecoms must Reinvent Themselves

Why Telecoms must Reinvent Themselves
Everyday our digital world is filled with Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, KakaoTalk and Whatsapp. Our loyalty to these brands is so strong that we wonder how could life exist without them. While these users run into the billions, these social media gems enjoy the benefit of the telecom networks that handle their traffic. Many like to think it’s a symbiotic relationship between telecoms and OTT (over the top) providers.
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Everyday our digital world is filled with Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, KakaoTalk and Whatsapp. Our loyalty to these brands is so strong that we wonder how could life exist without them. While these users run into the billions, these social media gems enjoy the benefit of the telecom networks that handle their traffic. Many like to think it’s a symbiotic relationship between telecoms and OTT (over the top) providers.
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Startup Marketing Guide
/in B2B, Branding, Digital Strategy, Global Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Startups/by IllumulusStartup Marketing Guide

Download our latest Startup Marketing Guide
Whether you are a DIY Marketer or wanting to know more about the basic principles. Get Started with your Marketing Efforts!
Creating the marketing foundation for your startup company is crucial for success. It is important to remember two things as you venture into marketing your startup.
Whether you are a DIY Marketer or wanting to know more about the basic principles. Get Started with your Marketing Efforts!
Creating the marketing foundation for your startup company is crucial for success. It is important to remember two things as you venture into marketing your startup.
- Your Marketing is only as good as your Product. No level of marketing can help a product that has no value to the customer.
- Know Your Customers and Make a Connection
Learn more about the basic marketing principles, content creation, social media, marketing strategy and more…
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Create A Memorable Storytelling Presentation!
/in B2B, B2C, Branding, Digital Strategy, Global Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Non-Profit, Startups, Storytelling/by IllumulusCreate A Memorable Storytelling Presentation!

So many times, I go into presentations and pitches that truly lack the substance to keep my attention or create a positive lasting impression. These presentations could be a new client presentation, internal project update or weekly status meeting. Regardless of the meeting, each time I leave, I think about how nothing really stood out to capture my attention. There is the need to create a memorable story!
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CEO Message – Looking back at 2016
/in Global Marketing, Marketing, News/by IllumulusCEO Message
Looking Back at 2016
Dear Friends,
As I reflect on 2016, I look at the progress of iLLUMULUS since its inception in November 2015. It all started with an idea in 2014. I wanted to start a marketing company that did more than just help sell a product. I wanted to create value for companies. Incorporating components such as a global understanding to enhance competitiveness, a marketing ecosystem to identify sustainability, agile and lean to get to market faster and the ability to uncover marketing insights to drive innovation to stay competitive in the future.
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5 Steps to Improve Your Digital Marketing Efforts
/in Analytics, B2B, B2C, Branding, Digital Strategy, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Startups/by Illumulus5 Steps to Improve Your Digital Marketing Efforts

We all know how important digital marketing is to reach our target audience today. We spend the time to create content, develop our website, craft strategic emails and send out social media campaigns across different platforms to reach our audience but it seems it is not as effective as we are expecting.
Maybe its time for a digital marketing review.
These 5 steps can help you move forward to improve your digital marketing efforts.
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5 Steps to Ensure Positive Marketing Brand Value
/in Analytics, B2B, B2C, Branding, Digital Strategy, Global Marketing, Market Expansion, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Startups/by Illumulus5 Steps to Ensure Positive Marketing Brand Value

Why Branding?
Your brand determines the value and visibility for your product/organization and let’s everyone know what you stand for. Your branding represents who you are, what you do, how you do it and most importantly, why others want to use your product or service. Branding is not just your logo but the efforts behind the logo, including messaging, online efforts, your product(s) and customer service.
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Your brand determines the value and visibility for your product/organization and let’s everyone know what you stand for. Your branding represents who you are, what you do, how you do it and most importantly, why others want to use your product or service. Branding is not just your logo but the efforts behind the logo, including messaging, online efforts, your product(s) and customer service.
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글로벌 해외 시장
/in B2B @ko, B2C @ko, Digital Strategy @ko, Global Marketing @ko, Market Expansion @ko, Marketing, Marketing Strategy @ko, Startups @ko, 마케팅 분석, 마케팅 전략 @ko/by Illumulus글로벌 해외 시장

글로벌 해외 시장은 다양하고 많은 기회가 있지만 또한 많은 어려움이 있습니다. 수많은 기업들이 성장에 필수요소인 사업 확장을 위해 Developed market, 이머징 마켓에서의 해외 진출 기회를 노리고 있습니다.
사업 확장을 하기 전에 사업 방향, 접근, 경쟁 이점, 성공 가능성 등에 대한 탄탄한 비즈니스 확장 계획과 마케팅 전략을 세워야 합니다. Developed Market 에서는 투명성, 밸류 위치 선점, 경쟁, SNS, 고객 참여(CE) 등에 대한 전략에 어려움이 있고, 이머징 마켓에서는 제품을 알리는 일, 유통, 가격 책정, 판매, 오랜 제품 결속력 등의 분야에 어려움이 있습니다.
여러분들이 새로운 시장 진출 또는 현재 분야에서 더욱 경쟁력 있는 사업을 시작하려 한다면, 여러분의 강점을 이해하고 다른 브랜드와 차별화된 아이디어를 발굴시키며 경쟁력을 키워가는 방법을 고려해 보시기 바랍니다.
사업 확장을 하기 전에 사업 방향, 접근, 경쟁 이점, 성공 가능성 등에 대한 탄탄한 비즈니스 확장 계획과 마케팅 전략을 세워야 합니다. Developed Market 에서는 투명성, 밸류 위치 선점, 경쟁, SNS, 고객 참여(CE) 등에 대한 전략에 어려움이 있고, 이머징 마켓에서는 제품을 알리는 일, 유통, 가격 책정, 판매, 오랜 제품 결속력 등의 분야에 어려움이 있습니다.
여러분들이 새로운 시장 진출 또는 현재 분야에서 더욱 경쟁력 있는 사업을 시작하려 한다면, 여러분의 강점을 이해하고 다른 브랜드와 차별화된 아이디어를 발굴시키며 경쟁력을 키워가는 방법을 고려해 보시기 바랍니다.
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Jung Hyun Kim
Technical Marketing Specialist handling client analytics, social media and influencer marketing in South Korea and USA.

Empowering organizations to harness the power of data, Illumulus offers digital transformation and sustainability strategies, innovative implementation platforms, and AI/ML solutions—turning data into digital assets.
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