What I Learned from Video Content Creation as an effective Marketing Tool
/in B2B, B2C, Digital Strategy, Global Marketing, Marketing, Startups, Storytelling, Video Content/by IllumulusWhat I Learned from Video Content Creation as an effective Marketing Tool

Are you using video in your marketing efforts? Well if you aren’t using video yet, you should be considering it. We live in a visual world and now with video streaming such as Facebook Live and Instagram, video has become the mainstream medium of choice to attract and engage audiences.
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What is your video creation approach?
Many lack a video marketing strategy for their website and social media. Now is the time to really look at how video can help reach and engage with your audience. While you develop your strategy and determine how you will integrate your video content, it is important to consider what is your video creation approach to develop effective videos that engage your audience.
In the beginning, I thought I needed to create long in-depth videos to reach my audience. My mind would get caught up with a movie style approach to ‘wow’ my audience. The challenge was always actual video footage access or video creation, so this dramatically narrowed my video approach to hit the key points and connect through the quality of content.
Its about telling a story! It is important to have a process for video creation. This allows you to keep the basic fundamentals of video creation in place for all your video marketing tools so they are effective to convey your message benefits and why they should trust your product or solution.

My five step approach to effective video content creation. Use these steps to consistently create value within your video content as you engage your audience.
Step 1
Company introduction & problem overview you are solving
This should be a short introduction of your company. I use only the logo but you can have a brief introduction of the company. I focus more on the problem your audience is experiencing. Remember, we don’t sell products or services; we are solving our audience problem. For example we will use a consumer food product to demonstrate our approach, it is sometimes difficult to find the time to prepare healthy evening meals for quality family time at home because of my busy work schedule.
Step 2
Explain why the problem is valid for the industry and give some specific examples.
This is your opportunity to talk about how this is a problem across the board for all families with both parents working. For example, statistics show that people are working longer hours leaving little time for the family to sit down for a healthy home cooked meal at dinner. Picking up dinner is an alternative for busy families but how healthy are those meals and how much more would it cost over time to spend on take out food. Providing key statistics help drive home the problem through industry numbers and facts.
Step 3
Show off your features and how they solve the problem
This is when you want to showcase how you solve this problem for your audience. Our home delivery food box delivers fresh ingredients with easy to follow menus to make fresh, healthy meals at home with all your ingredients pre-packaged. No need to waste time by stopping at the store and all meals are portioned properly to not waste food. Be specific as possible with your features and how your audience will benefit from your solution.
Step 4
Use client proof to seal the deal.
Our goal is to create trust with our audience and sometimes our word alone is not enough to convince them. We must show our transparency through our client success stories, number of users or positive comments on the product. This can include guest blogs, social media comments and customer quotes to help reinforce the value your provide through your product or service.
Step 5
Call to Action
Now that you have your audience attention, leverage it to create an action. For example, first time users get 25% off their first order, or first time user can order their first meal free of charge. Your goal is to drive an action from your audience. This action should drive them to order through very simple steps and create a positive experience by providing a simple url to access your website or link on the video platform you are using such as Vimeo, YouTube, or link on your website to order.

Close off your call to action and video with your logo to end and allow them to access additional videos you might have available on related topics. Remember, its not the length of the video but the quality of the content that connects with your audience. I hope you find this simple process valuable to creating videos as you reach and engage your audience.
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Empowering organizations to harness the power of data, Illumulus offers digital transformation and sustainability strategies, innovative implementation platforms, and AI/ML solutions—turning data into digital assets.
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Frank Anastacio Trevino Jr
Founder and CEO of iLLUMULUS, a Global Marketing & Customer Strategy firm. I work with companies to connect with customers, Creating Value through the marketing digital experience. I share my time between South Korea and Denver, Colorado. You can find me on Linkedin or follow me on Twitter